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The 5 Most Misunderstood Traffic Laws

Chaos dominates American roads. Once the role model for the world, the nation now endures highway anarchy as drivers choose how they want to drive, and hope they never get caught. Different people have different opinions about the competence of the motoring public, but many will agree that some people misunderstand important traffic laws such as the ones listed by Hall Chrysler Dodge Jeep RAM Virginia Beach below. When drivers learn what traffic laws mean, highway safety should improve.

Note: The information contained in this article is general information and should not be construed as legal advice to be applied to any specific factual situation.

Right Turn on Red

Jimmy Carter was President when the nation enacted right-turn-on-red laws. Designed to conserve gasoline while cars idle, these laws help motorists save time and money. However, some motorists do not understand the law, so they sit at every corner waiting for a green light. Other drivers misunderstand “right turn on red” as “Stick it to the world because nobody can force me to turn right on red.” Even worse, some drivers misunderstand this law as meaning, "if you turn right, you do not have to stop." These drivers refuse to yield to traffic flow, setting the stage for needless collisions.

Green Turn Arrows

Busy intersections often have left-turn arrows that give drivers a chance to turn across oncoming traffic. Some people misinterpret these arrows as meaning "You can only turn to the left when the green arrow light is on." This misinterpretation causes drivers to sit at a green light despite the absence of oncoming traffic. Guess what? As long as the light is green and no cars are coming, drivers can make a lefthand turn.

No Texting While Driving

Many drivers misunderstand laws that prohibit drivers to send text messages, browse the Internet, reply to emails, and send updates to Facebook. A good example of this is a man who was ticketed for texting while driving as he sat at a red light. Courts have ruled that drivers of stopped cars are driving the car, so texting at red lights is not allowed. If people do not understand a law like this one, they will continue to receive traffic citations.

Turn Signals

Motor vehicles come equipped with these cool switches that make lights flash on the outside of the car. Drivers should use these devices (called turn signalsto alert other drivers about impending turns or lane changes. For some reason, many drivers never use turn signals. Even worse, some drivers misunderstand the use of turn signals and activate their left turn signal while turning right.

Speed Limits

When a speed limit sign says "Speed Limit 65," that should mean that cars should not go faster than 65 mph. However, drivers differ on what these signs really mean. Conservative drivers say to add 3 mph to any speed limit. Chronically-late drivers add 10 mph to any speed limit. Moderate drivers say that a 65 mph speed limit means the speed limit is 72. Other drivers see that same sign and interpret it as "Drive as fast as you can for as long as you can before getting a ticket."

Prevalent misunderstandings of speed limit signs have caused problems for the minority of motorists who think they understand what a speed limit sign means. Drivers who dare poke along at 65 mph in a 65 mph zone get honked at, flipped off, cursed at, and tailgated. At night, drivers who misunderstand speed limits will drive up to the bumper of the car in front and repeatedly flash his or her high beams, blinding the driver of that car via the rearview mirror.

Every driver should take some time to review their driving habits. Most DMV offices and websites offer a free publication called a driver’s manual. This book can help most people understand these and other traffic laws.