Hall Chrysler Dodge Jeep RAM Virginia Beach
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Hall Chrysler Dodge Jeep RAM Virginia Beach

Save Money with MileOne’s Exclusive 4n1 Assurance Protection

Owning a vehicle is exciting, but with it can come unexpected expenses. The 4n1 Assurance Protection was created to shield you from unforeseen costs and to give you peace of mind. You’re probably asking, “What does this protection plan cover?” Keep reading to find out!  

Tires & Rims Protection: 

One of the most costly issues vehicle owners face is tire and rim damage. Whether it’s potholes, curbs, or road debris, these incidents can lead to expensive repairs or replacements. The 4n1 Assurance Protection covers both tire and rim damage, including cosmetic issues with your rims.

Key Replacement: 

Let’s be honest, most of us have lost our vehicle keys at some point. But if yours are ever lost or damaged - you can get key replacement coverage of up to $800 per year. 

Paintless Dent & Hail Repair:

Mother Nature can be unpredictable and can cause unsightly dents. With the 4n1 Assurance Protection, you’re covered for paintless dents and hail repairs with no deductible. 

Windshield Stars & Chips Protection

A minor windshield chip or crack can become a safety hazard and a significant financial burden. Take care of any stars and chips immediately with this protection plan to avoid costly repairs in the future.  

Cross Country Motor Club Membership: 

Beyond the tangible protections, 4n1 Assurance goes a step further by including a Cross Country Motor Club Membership. Whether you have a flat tire, a dead battery, or any other unexpected travel emergency, roadside assistance is just a call away. This membership ensures that you never have to worry about being stranded and adds an extra layer of security to your travels.

Protect your vehicle today with 4n1 Assurance Protection. The Hall Chrysler Dodge Jeep RAM Virginia Beach Sales and Service teams are here to answer any of your inquiries. You can also learn more about our various protection options on our website